Monday, June 22, 2009

NI cek Pula Nk luahkan Perasaan...

aiii dh lame cek tk open blog...waaa bnyak tol cite2 hot yg cek pagi2 open blog peh sentap gile ni...mcm nk ngis je...ok that people clever pour conscience die only, whereas I here already like not important only... once I may be first...but now I number 2.. becela " finished residue honey in throw " takpela talk I changed all ye...come this morning job already spirit ,but I read this blog all spirits already lost...sad morning...if I this kuarkan clever aura want angry that people only....takpe talk only I already changed all.. I care even, people already tak kesah.sad its when thing camni so. very well I accept what people want make near I...normal life when coming a new company, long people already so no 2...serve new and better friend once, from people which many annoying ,many changed this and clever angry only..


  1. wahhh..btui ke mad yg ckp sume ni....hahaha

  2. ahahah ni mmesti kawan die karang ayat hahahha
